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Our pupils range from the age of 5 years to 21 years and our curriculum is designed to give young people the opportunity to learn and make progress both academically and personally. We believe it is important that our students follow a broad, balanced, and exciting curriculum and one that is relevant to their needs and abilities. The curriculum provided at Headstart School is part of the range of strategies that we use to help prepare students for developing independence and a life outside of school; such a focus is clearly linked to them becoming well informed and active citizens in a multi-cultural and diverse society. Our approach is holistic and aims to look at all the child’s needs both academic and living skills. Most pupils are taught through a combination of 1:1 teaching and small group teaching (with 1:1 support where needed). Some require 2:1 support.

Our staff are trained in:


  • Makaton

  • PECS

  • Sulp 

  • Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

  • PRICE De-escalation and Restraint techniques

  • Autism



All these are tools to ensure pupils can engage in the curriculum,

Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language and behaviour analyst 

all work alongside the staff in the classrooms and out.

Regular meetings are held to discuss and evaluate progress.  




Weekly Tutorials

Weekly Tutorials All pupils have a 1:1 weekly meeting with their tutor. The meeting includes: Attendance Overview of the week Pupil Voice Parent Voice Teacher Voice EHCP Outcome Focus Cognition and Learning Social, Emotional and Mental Health Sensory and/or Physical Behaviour English Maths Tutors report to parents at least weekly with a tutorial update, many speak to parents more frequently as required.










On entry to Headstart, pupils complete baseline assessments as appropriate including the Wide Range Achievement Test 5, Cognitive Ability Tests 4, the Raven’s Matrix, and a Lexia Baseline for reading and spelling. They are assessed over the first twelve weeks of arrival and an Individual Behaviour and Support Plan is written. This gives all staff a clear idea of the needs of the individual child and sets levels, targets and strategies that will work with the student. These are reviewed very regularly. All staff must study the IBSP before working with a pupil. From this initial assessment we continually assess our pupils using p-levels, ABLLS pre-key stage standards and the Rising Stars Framework at Key Stage 2 and 3 and measured against attainment on entry to the school, and within the P Levels, , For pupils in Key Stage 4 and 5 we use entry level, GCSE and the BTEC Framework.

Curriculum Overview

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